Feeding wildlife is not only wrong, it can be also illegal.
You can help keeping wildlife wild. We encourage you to avoid feeding wildlife. Feeding wildlife near human populations and in parks increases wildlife conflicts with people. Feeding wildlife can lead to a number of serious problems. Here just some of them:
- Animals do not need foot from humans to survive. Human food is not healthy for wild animals and they cannot distinguish food from wrappers or foils. Feeding animals can lead to malnourishing and also to death.
- Animals accustomed to people often lose their fear. Those that become too confident may have to be managed to avoid accidents.
- If animals get used to feed along roads tend to stay near them, increasing the chance of vehicle-animal accidents.

So please, keep the following tips in mind.
- Do not encourage wildlife by feeding
- Don’t leave food for them, so take you garbage with you
- If you live close to a park or in a wild area don’t place food scraps in gardens or compost bins, and use a closed compost bin.
- Keep pet food and water containers indoors, especially at night.
- Protect your fruit tree
Respect wildlife and their space and remember they are wild animals that should stay wild.