Your stories and your experience are fundamental. Contribute by sending us a post with your advice, opinions, and success or failure stories on human wildlife coexistence. Follow the instructions for posting in the ‘Contribute – stories’ section.
How did you communicate your message? Which strategies did you use? What was successful? What didn’t work? Which projects were effective in engaging your audience? Your stories, your daily experiences in the field, the cultural and social values of the country in which you work can be very important motivators for others who are working to promote human wildlife coexistence. Share your stories, help to make communication around human wildlife interaction effective communication.
Do you have success stories to tell? Do you have any anecdotes or advice that may be useful? Or any topics that you would like to discuss with colleagues around the world on the subject of communication? Do you have any events to promote? Please fill in the form and send them through. We will publish them as soon as possible.